Our Programs & Services
The Storehouse Foodbank offers many programs & services, including:
- Emergency Food Hampers
- Clothing (as needed)
New Program! Fresh For All
- A local initiative that contributes much-needed fresh vegetables and fruits to food banks and meal programs within Hastings and Prince Edward counties. Click here to learn more.
We also host on-going & yearly fundraisers to provide for those in need:
- 2 Annual Food Drives
- Holiday Hampers
- Back-to-school Backpack Fundraiser
- Snowsuit Fund
- Christmas Angels, presents and pyjamas
Want to get involved? Please contact Cynthia: 613-921-0991
Other Programs & Services in Our Community
Alternatives for Women in Prince Edward County is dedicated to providing safe and confidential services while working to end violence and abuse of women. Contact the 24 Hour help line: 613-476-2787
Prince Edward County Food Access Guide
This Guide was developed by the Food Security Network to enhance public access to information about free or low cost food and meal programs and services in Hastings and Prince Edward counties.
Volunteer & Information Quinte
Since inception in 1966, VIQ has always believed that the commitment of volunteers is what makes a community successful. This website will allow you to explore the numerous volunteer opportunities in the community.
The Prince Edward County Community Care for Seniors Association
Provides Meals on Wheels (hot & frozen) for seniors 60 years and older with an assessed need. Also hosts Seniors Luncheon Social (congregate dining program) monthly; all seniors 60 years and older are welcome.