Help Needed

The summer has been tough on the foodbank and we are in need of funds, we need to purchase dairy products, fresh fruit, vegetables and meat, if you can help please send a cheque to The Storehouse Foodbank, P.O. Box 441, Wellington, ON, K0K 3L0 or you can also e-transfer funds. Income tax receipts will be issued.  Please contact Linda Downey at 613-399-1450, 613-849-7403 or email for more information. Thank you for helping us, help others!

“Cram the Cruiser Foodbank Fundraiser”

image(4) PEC OPP Auxiliary “Cram the Cruiser” Wellington Foodbank Back-To-School Fundraiser, September 10, 10am-2pm, Pierson’s Foodland Parking Lot, Main Street, Wellington. Please bring a non-perishable food item to help out your local foodbank! Foodland will also be selling $5 grocery bags full of items that you can donate.

Thank You!

Thankyou so much to the Ladies Twilight Golf League for their generous donation of Back To School Supplies to the Foodbank. We really appreciate all your help! We are still in need of more backpacks if anyone has any in really good condition they would like to donate and school supplies. Thankyou for helping us, help others!


OPEN WEDNESDAYS for All clients 10am-12pm and again 1pm -3pm.
Donations accepted Wednesdays 9-3pm or by appointment.
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