Adults Cooking Class

Adults made Chinese Soup a shrimp and pork dish at their cooking class this past Tuesday, very yummy!

Free Cooking Classes

Cooking Classes will be at the Wellington United Church Tuesdays from 10-1 from May 22 to June 26th.

Vendors needed, if you are interested in having a table please contact Gleaners Foodbank in Belleville or call Linda 613-399-1450


Income Tax Receipts

The Income Tax Receipts are all printed and going in the mail in the next couple of days, they should all be mailed out by Friday!

First Teenage Cooking Class

Teenage Cooking Class was so much fun! They made Savoury & Dessert Crepes! Thank you to Robyn Cakebread for leading the class and sharing your expertise!





OPEN WEDNESDAYS for All clients 10am-12pm and again 1pm -3pm.
Donations accepted Wednesdays 9-3pm or by appointment.
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