Thank You!

We had a need of 3 single mattresses and a double mattress for a family – Stephanie Sokolowski took care of that need! On Tuesday, October 9th the mattresses were picked up from Lavender Furniture that were purchased from the county Real Estate Company -Stephanie Sokolowski! Thank you so much Stephanie and also thank you to Tod Lavender for such a quick response in getting the mattresses in so fast even though it was a long weekend and delivered to our storage unit on Tuesday! I delivered them to the family on Tuesday afternoon, they were so appreciative and in shock for the kindness you shown them Stephanie! We really appreciate all the help, we could not of supplied their need without you! We thank you Stephanie and Tod for caring and for making a difference in our community!

Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who donated towards our Thanksgiving Hampers!

OPEN WEDNESDAYS for All clients 10am-12pm and again 1pm -3pm.
Donations accepted Wednesdays 9-3pm or by appointment.
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