Thank you!

Thankyou so much Food to Share volunteers for the delicious meals – 65 servings of Carrot Lentil Soup, 50 Servings of Pork & Vegetable Stir Fry on Rice! Thank you Becky and Brian for doing all the deliveries! You guys are amazing and making such a difference to others in our community!

Thank you!

Thank you to the Wellington on the Lake Malt Whisky Tasting – Ian McColl, Brian Gilespie, Gary Davis and Norm Frenette who raised and donated $375 to the foodbank! Thank you for making a difference to others in our community!

Thank you!

Thank you to James Cook who organized the Horsepower at Huff’s Fine Wines & Fine Lines Car Show Fundraiser and thank you to everyone who came out and supported the fundraiser. We received two big baskets of food and $839.25 in cash as well as the Picton United Church County Foodbank. Thank you to Wanda Butcher who donated $250 in memory of Jeffrey Robert Butcher. We can’t thank everyone enough for making such a difference to others in our community.

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who came out and supported the Punk Rock Concert that was organized by Andrew McLuhan – the concert raised $164 for each of the following – The Storehouse Foodbank, Picton United Church Foodbank, Salvation Army, Food to Share and Food Not Bombs. Thank you to the Picton Elks for donated the hall, Long and McQuade who donated the sound system, Bree Seely of County Yum Club who donated the food, musicians Trevor Norris and Stew Jones for their donation, the Bands Scum, Polidicks and High Anxiety and all the musicians. Thank you Andrew for all your hard work in ensuring everything went well and for organizing this fundraiser! Please accept our apology if we miss thanking someone involved and know that we appreciate all you did and for making such a difference to others in our communities.

Thank you!

Thank you so much to the Rotary Club of Wellington who donated $1000 to our foodbank on Wednesday to help with our cost of fresh fruit and vegetables. Thank you for making such a difference in our communtiy.

Christmas Hampers go out Wed Dec 18, 10-12 & 1-3pm.
We are closed on Thur Dec 19 and reopen on Wed Jan 8.
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