Thank you!

Thank you so much to Linda Donville, Alice Stutt and Midtown Brewing Company for donating 25 delicous pizzas today to our clients! Thank you for all your hard work Midtown – you guys made some clients very happy today!

Thank you!

Thankyou to all staff and employees at CB Freezers for doing an Easter Food Drive for our foodbank. We really appreciate you helping us, help others in our communities!

Thank you!

Thank you so much to Food for Learning who donated healthy biscuits and bars to our Foodbank yesterday! They also donated them to the foodbanks in Hastings & Prince Edward Counties. Also thank you for the 35 cases of apples that were divided between the PEC foodbanks on Wednesday. Thank you for making such a difference at this difficult time!

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who has been donating food into the boxes for the foodbank on Sue Hierlihy’s Porch – Dead People’s Stuff Antiques in Bloomfield and for making a difference to others in your community during this difficult time.

Thank you!

Thank you so much to all the foodbank volunteers who worked so hard this week to ensure others in our communities get to enjoy a wonderful Easter holiday during this difficult time. Your dedication and faithfulness is so much appreciated! Linda Downey – President

Christmas Hampers go out Wed Dec 18, 10-12 & 1-3pm.
We are closed on Thur Dec 19 and reopen on Wed Jan 8.
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