Thank you

ek Nine. This week’s menu was a collaboration between Alchemy’s @clairem.tallarico and her George Brown Culinary School friend and classmate Chef and now GBC culinary prof @chefbar1. It’s been more than 20 years since we have been in a kitchen together. Tony’s time in #pec @visitthecounty was a gift to our project and his passion for elevating simple ingredients to an edible art form remains an inspiration. Red peppers stuffed with Risotto and smoked ham. Salad greens from our friends @thymeagaingardens. A cold corn and lime soup with sweet late season local corn. Plum and almond tarts. Rounding out dinner was a sublime baguette from Hillier’s @connell_jeff. And another heartfelt individual bag drawing from our packaging artist @connorpdmcd celebrating wine making as the 2020 Harvest gets underway. #farmersfeedusall with our thanks to @clossonchasevineyards for our kitchen space and @storehousefoodbank and @thecountyfoundation for funding #tablesettings2020. As of last night’s dinner, we have served 444 suppers since July 29th to local farm and vineyard workers. Table Settings is funded by The County Foundation we thank them for supporting this well needed program and for making a difference in our community!

Thank You

    Thank you Paul Denison and Food to Share Volunteers for making Meatloaf with Mashed Sweet & Russet Potatoes and Glazed Cranberry Carrots for the senior meals today. Thank you Christine Gillespie for doing all the deliveries. Thank you everyone for making a difference in our communities!

Thank you!

   Thank you so much Chef Michael Hoy for all your hard work in making 50 Herb Chicken with mild curry tomato cream sauce meals and ginger cookies yesterday and for delivering them to the seniors. Here is Shirley and Cate receiving their meals. Thank you to the Wellington Legion for allowing Michael use of the kitchen. Thank you for making a difference to others in our community!

Table Settings

Each Table Settings Meal is individually packaged in large old school style brown lunch bags with the name of each of our dinner guest handwritten. The menus are printed in English and Spanish and stapled to the bags. Each visiting kitchen artist has the opportunity to use the bags as a canvas. Last night’s thirty plus bags were individually hand drawn by @connorpdmcd who was inspired by his observations of the vines and honours the individuals whose hard work and knowledge translate into delicious wine.

OPEN WEDNESDAYS for All clients 10am-12pm and again 1pm -3pm.
Donations accepted Wednesdays 9-3pm or by appointment.
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