
      🌞🍂💛 Has anyone else gotten a jump start on their Christmas shopping?? If you’re planning on ordering wine from us this November, please consider adding a $5 donation to your order! All proceeds go directly to the StoreHouse Food Bank and Closson Chase is matching dollar for dollar. A little goes a long way and if we have learned anything this year, it’s that we’re all in this together. We thank you in advance! 🌞🍂💛

Thank you!

     Thank you so much to the Prince Edward District Women’s Institute who donated $1000 to the foodbank to help with the increased need due to the ongoing coronavirus situation, winter cold and upcoming Christmas! Thank you for making a difference to others in our community!

Help A Child This Christmas

 The Angel Tree is in a NEW LOCATION this year! If you would like to purchase a child in your community a Christmas Gift please go to the Wellington Home Hardware and grab an Angel off the tree. Please sign the form with your name, phone number and write down the number of which Angel you took. The Angel tag will have child’s first name, sex, age and child’s wish list. Please purchase a gift from their wish list and return back to Wellington Home Hardware by December 9th. Thank you for making a difference to the children in our community.

Thank you!

    Thank you so much to Portico Gardens for donating all these vegetables today! Thank you for making a difference to others in our community!

OPEN WEDNESDAYS for All clients 10am-12pm and again 1pm -3pm.
Donations accepted Wednesdays 9-3pm or by appointment.
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