Thank you

Thank you so much to Chef Michael Hoy for making and delivering all the Senior Meals today – Swedish Meatballs with Rice and roasted Broccoli. Thank you to the Wellington Legion for use of their kitchen. Thank you to Wendy Hendry for doing the deliveries in the manor. These Weekly Nutritional Meals for Seniors & Elders in Wellington is supported by the Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund, Community Foundation of Canada and The County Foundation. We thank you for making a difference to Seniors during these difficult times. Chef Michael Hoy CulinaryCommunity Foundations of Canada
The County Foundation
Employment and Social Development Canada


Thank you!

        Thank you to North Trenton Public School and to those who donated the cereal to the cause! We really appreciate you helping us, help others in our community!

Thank you

Thank you to Saylor House Cafe for the Shamrock shortbreads for all the Senior meals. Thank you to the Wellington Legion for use of their kitchen. Thank you to Wendy Hendry for doing the deliveries in the manor. These Weekly Nutritional Meals for Seniors & Elders in Wellington is supported by the Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund, Community Foundation of Canada and The County Foundation. We thank you for making a difference to Seniors during these difficult times. Chef Michael Hoy Culinary Community Foundations of Canada
The County Foundation
Employment and Social Development Canada


OPEN WEDNESDAYS for All clients 10am-12pm and again 1pm -3pm.
Donations accepted Wednesdays 9-3pm or by appointment.
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