Dec 5, 2021
Thank you so much to the following who donated $2078.90 from the Thanksgiving Jam that was held at Karlo Estates – Pay What You Can $583, PapaGanoush $40, Artist’s Fee $300, 10% Karlo Sales $1061.34 and Staff Tips $94.56. We thank you so much for making a difference to others in our community. Presenting the cheque is Sherry Karlo to Linda Downey.
Dec 3, 2021
Thank you Chef Michael Hoy for all your hard work in making 75 senior meals today Friday, December 3 – Meatballs with Corn Pudding and Green Beans Meals. Thank you to the Wellington Legion for use of their kitchen. Thank you to Michael, Christine Gillispie and Wendy Hendry for doing the deliveries. These Weekly Nutritional Meals for Seniors are supported by the grant received from The Huff Family Fund through The County Foundation in Prince Edward County. We thank you for making a difference to Seniors during these difficult times.
Dec 2, 2021
Congratulations to todays Winner, Karen Decker who won the Sandbank’s Winery Basket with Ticket #1582. Thank you everyone for supporting the Rockn’ Rogers and Storehouse Foodbank’s Snowsuit Campaign and for making a difference in keeping children warm this winter season.
Dec 1, 2021
Thank you so much to the Wellington Pharmacy for donating all the Kleenex Boxes that we need for our Christmas Hampers. Thank you for making a difference to others this holiday season.
Dec 1, 2021
Thank you so much Prince Edward County Lions Club who donated $300 towards our a Christmas Hampers. Thank you for making a difference to others this holiday season!
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