Mar 11, 2022
Thank you so much Chef Michael Hoy for making 90 Chicken Salad Meals for the seniors today. Thank you to the Wellington Legion for use of their kitchen. Thank you to Michael Hoy, Christine Gillespie and Wendy Hendry for doing the deliveries. These Weekly Nutritional Meals for Seniors are supported by the grant received from The Huff Family Fund through The County Foundation in Prince Edward County.
Mar 10, 2022
Thank you Chantal Jeffrey and Eric Walsh for all your hard working in making 121 Tuna Casserole Senior Meals this Wednesday. Thank you Shirley & Jim Jarvis, Karen White and Donna Morris for doing all the deliveries for us. These meals were delivered to Hillier, Consecon and Wellington. Thank you for helping us make a difference in our communities.
Mar 10, 2022
Thank you to our local grocery store Pierson’s Foodland and their staff and to everyone who donated during their Holiday Fundraising Campaign. Because of your generosity $1470.66 worth of gift cards were donated to the foodbank for our clients. Thank you everyone for making such a difference to others in our community.
Mar 8, 2022
Thank you so much to all the Food to Share Volunteers and to Anne MacDonald for taking the lead in making 51 delicious Senior Meals on Monday – Chicken with Pineapple Salsa, Rice and Broccoli, Thank you for making such a difference to others in our community!
Mar 4, 2022
Our wonderful, hard working Chef Michael Hoy made 76 Delicious Fresh Atlantic Salmon and Potato Cake with fresh Dill and Lemon, sautéed Zucchini meals for the Seniors today. Thank you so much for all your hard work, you are amazing and we really appreciate everything you do to make a difference to the seniors in our community! Thank you to the Wellington Legion for use of their kitchen. Thank you to Michael Hoy, Christine Gillespie and Wendy Hendry for doing the deliveries. These Weekly Nutritional Meals for Seniors are supported by the grant received from The Huff Family Fund through The County Foundation in Prince Edward County.
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