Thank you!

Thank you so much Food to Share Volunteers Nancy Puddy, Pat Thompson, Linda Guthrie, Marilyn Root, and led by Anne McDonald for preparing 55 senior meals yesterday at the Wellington Arena – Morrocan Meatballs with Rice, Carrots, Broccoli and Tzatziki Sauce. Thank you for making a difference to the seniors in our community!

Thank you!

Thank you Kente Public School for donated three bags of feminine products and a bag of socks to the foodbank today. Thank you for making a difference to others in our communities!

Thank you!

A BIG thank you to all the fans that came out and supported the Wellington Dukes Food Drive on Friday night! Together with matching contributions from Christine Rutter of Exit Realty they raised $2057 for the The Storehouse Foodbank and had numerous food donations! Thank you so much Wellington Dukes, Kelly Martin, Christine Rutter and all who supported the food drive and for making a difference to others in your community. Thank you to foodbank volunteers Becky McFaul, Lyn Tracey and Cynthia Riordon for helping with the food drive.

Thank you!

Thank you so much Chef Michael Hoy for all your hard work in making 80 delicious Sweet Italian Sausage with Risotto Cake, Green Beans, Roasted Peppers & Zucchini Meals for the seniors today. Thank you to the Wellington Legion for use of their kitchen. Thank you to Michael Hoy, Christine Gillespie and Wendy Hendry for doing the deliveries. These Weekly Nutritional Meals for Seniors are supported by the grant received from The Huff Family Fund through The County Foundation.

OPEN WEDNESDAYS for All clients 10am-12pm and again 1pm -3pm.
Donations accepted Wednesdays 9-3pm or by appointment.
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