Sep 21, 2022
The Wellington Storehouse Food Bank is proud to take part in
Food Banks Canada’s #AftertheBellProgram. This
vital initiative provides nutritious, kid-friendly food packs to children experiencing food insecurity across the country, particularly duringthe summer months when school meal programs aren’t available. These packs come to us carefully assembled with shelf stable staples like hummus, milk, crackers, oatmeal, granola bars, etc. After The Bell, September 21 – 2 apples, 2 mandarins, banana, grapes, mini cuke and 2 cheesestrings. This summer, we distributed 280 After the Bell packs and give kids the chance to make the most of their summer break. To learn more please visit
Sep 19, 2022
Thank you to all the Food to Share volunteers for all your hard work in making 60 Spaghetti Casserole Meals with tossed salad today for the seniors. Thank you for making a difference in our communities!
Sep 16, 2022
We can’t thank the local farmers enough for all the produce, dairy, meat and maple syrup we have received this year! And all the gardeners that bring in their excess produce. You guys have made such a difference to others in our communities! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Linda Downey – President
Sep 15, 2022
The Wellington Storehouse Foodbank thanks the Municipal Community Grant Program for the $3500 which was administered through a partnership with The County Foundation. The County funded the new Family Recreation and Wellness with Horses program at Healing with Horses in Hillier. This program is providing our foodbank clients 18 therapy sessions over a 3 month period, serving 6 families. We thank you for making a difference to others in our communities!
Sep 15, 2022
We are in need of some funds to help us with purchasing meat, produce, dairy products, bread, juice, pies and other supplies for the Thanksgiving Hampers that are scheduled to go out on October 5th. If you would like to donate please e-transfer funds to or mail a cheque to The Storehouse Foodbank, P.O. Box 441, Wellington, ON, K0K 3L0 or you can put funds on our account at Pierson’s Foodland. For more info call Linda 613-849-7403 or Cynthia 613-827-8881. Income tax receipts will be given. Reg. #803988419 RT0001
Thank you for helping us, help others and for making a difference in your community!
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