Thank you so much Trevor Norris and Stu Jones who raised $350 for the snowsuit fund at Creekside Cafe in Wellington last night. Thank you everyone who came out and supported the event and to Creekside Cafe for hosting it. Thank you for making a difference to the children in our community.
Thank you so much Cindy Hadden and Florence VandeVen for donating $179 to the foodbank. Both artists set up a table of art at the Ameliasburgh Fair this year and took up donations. Thank you for your support and for making a difference to others in your community!
Thank you so much to the Roblin Lake Family Fun 3-Pitch Tournament who raised $500 for the Food Bank. Tournament organizer Janice Maynard, Ameliasburgh Recreation, presents the trophy to team Cemac Contracting. Thank you to teams McCormack, Werkhoven, and Westerveld for your donations. Thank you everyone for making a difference to others this Thanksgiving!
The Wellington Storehouse Foodbank Snowsuit Fundraiser has begun giving you a chance to win 2 Different Baskets filled with some exciting items from local businesses! Each basket is valued at $1700 containing gift certificates from local restaurants, spa, suite rentals, grocery stores, automotive shops, Duke tickets, Winery & Brewery Gift Bags, Toys, Carson’s Garden Gift Bag, PEC Tshirt Gift Bag, Pampererd Chef items just to name a few. Help keep kids warm this winter and purchase a $5 ticket or 3 for $10. Tickets & Basket details are available at Rockn’ Rogers Pizza and Midtown Brewery both on Main Street Wellington.Midtown Brewing CompanyRock n Rogers
Lottery Licence M825087
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