Thank you so much Food to Share volunteers Chris, Shirley, Shelley and Cheryl who cooked 60 Senior Meals – Drumsticks with Roasted Potatoes and Glazed Carrots. Thank you to Wendy and Paul for doing the deliveries and to the County of Prince Edward for the use of the kitchen at the Wellington Arena. Thank you everyone for making a difference to others in our community.


Thank you Food to Share Volunteers Anne, Shelley, Cheryl and Reid who prepared 60 senior meals of ham, colcannon potatoes and roasted carrot. Thank you Bill Robertson and Wendy Hendry for doing all the deliveries. Thank you to the County of Prince Edward for use of the kitchen at the Wellington Arena. Thank you everyone for making a difference to others in our community!

Important notice – Effective November 15th the new phone number for the foodbank will be 613-921-0991 please change it under your contacts

Today Food to Share made Baked Drumsticks with Mashed Potatoes and Broccoli for the Storehouse Foodbank. Heather, Cheryl, Shelley and Reid did the cooking. Thanks also to the municipality of PEC for letting us use the Wellington arena kitchen. Thank you for making a difference to others in our community!

OPEN WEDNESDAYS for All clients 10am-12pm and again 1pm -3pm.
Donations accepted Wednesdays 9-3pm or by appointment.
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