Neighbours helping neighbours! We are grateful to Sprigwich for their recent donation of 38 containers of soup for our families! Thanks for your kindness and generosity and for helping others in our community. We appreciate your support!
We are grateful to the volunteer team at Food To Share for preparing 55 meals for seniors today – honey garlic sausage, scalloped potatoes, beans and carrots. Thanks to Mary and Tony for delivering the meals and to The County for the use of the kitchen at the Wellington arena. Together we can make a difference!
Food To Share volunteers made hamburger soup and homemade biscuits for the Wellington Food Bank senior meals this week. Thanks to the volunteers, the drivers, and The County for the use of the kitchen at Wellington arena. We are grateful for your support and for making a difference caring for others. #foodtoshare
We are grateful for all the support throughout the year from Branch 509 Royal Canadian Legion in Consecon. This week, Dave Shepherd, 1st VP, presented The Storehouse Food Bank with a generous donation of $850 from their Lottery Fund. Thank you for thinking of others and for making a difference in our community!
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