Fantastic turnout for our Empty Bowls event today! Thank you to Chef Michael Hoy, Loyalist College Chef/Professor John Schneeberger, the Loyalist College Students for their delicious soups. Thank you to St. Theresa Catholic Secondary School for the yummy cookies! Thank you to Wellington Pottery and all the other potters who donated bowls for this event! Thank you to the Quinte Wood Turner’s for their demonstrations. Thank you to everyone who donated towards the Silent Auction. Thank you to Mike Kelly, Murray Black and Colleen Macalister for their music entertainment, thank you to all the wonderful market vendors and all the hard working volunteers. Thank you to everyone who came out to support this event, for helping us help others! Thank you to everyone for making such a difference for our communities!

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OPEN WEDNESDAYS for All clients 10am-12pm and again 1pm -3pm. Donations accepted Wednesdays 9-3pm or by appointment.
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