News & Upcoming Events

Here's the latest updates from StoreHouse Foodbank

Santa from The Santa Mission paid us a visit today bringing $75 in cash and about $900 in groceries and cleaning supplies! Thank you to the community for donating items at the County Museums in Ameliasburgh and Wellington. Thank you for helping us help others.

Thanks to Kirby Childerhose for bringing a Santa sack full of groceries to the food bank today. Thank you for thinking of others!

We are so grateful to Carmen Kilroy and Mike Kuske for purchasing 50 gift certificates from Rock’n Rogers for families this Christmas. Thank you for your gift from the heart, helping families in our community.

Thank you to the residents of Bay Meadows Park in Consecon for donating about $1000 in Christmas gifts, throws, cookies and chocolates. Thanks to JoAnne Grant for coordinating this fundraiser and dropping off all the items. We are grateful for your generosity and for helping families at Christmas! Thanks for making a difference!

Thank you to Evan Nash and his employees at Wellington Home Hardware for helping with the Christmas Angels program. Jess and Zack are pictured here with the gifts for the children, that were generously donated by the community. Thanks for caring for others in need.

We are grateful to the Prince Edward District Women’s Institute and its 6 Branches for donating 65 Bears and Bags for the children this Christmas! Each one is unique, filled with a stuffed animal and books, and made with love. Thanks for making a difference in our community!

OPEN WEDNESDAYS for All clients 10am-12pm and again 1pm -3pm.
Donations accepted Wednesdays 9-3pm or by appointment.
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