Saigon Restaurant just gave us a $50 Gift Certificate for the Rockn’ Rogers Basket. The Wellington Storehouse Foodbank Snowsuit Fundraiser has begun giving you a chance to win 2 Different Baskets filled with some exciting items from local businesses! Each basket is valued at $1700 containing gift certificates from local restaurants, spa, suite rentals, grocery stores, automotive shops, Duke tickets, Winery & Brewery Gift Bags, Toys, Carson’s Garden Gift Bag, PEC Tshirt Gift Bag, Pampererd Chef items just to name a few. Help keep kids warm this winter and purchase a $5 ticket or 3 for $10. Tickets & Basket details are available at Rockn’ Rogers Pizza and Midtown Brewery both on Main Street Wellington.Midtown Brewing CompanyRock n Rogers
Lottery Licence M825087
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